英語 | 日本語 | 略語 |
sex | 性 | |
sexually transmitted disease[s] | 性 [行為] 感染症 | STD[s] |
gender identification | 性[別]識別 | |
semen | 精液 | |
seminal fluid | 精液 | |
hypospermia | 精液過少[症] | |
semen analysis | 精液検査 | |
seminalysis | 精液検査 | |
oligospermia | 精液減少[症] | |
semen storage | 精液貯蔵 | |
spermaturia | 精液尿 | |
seminal emission | 精液尿道内射出 | |
emission less | 精液排出不全 | |
semen bank | 精液バンク | |
spermatocele | 精液瘤 | |
spermatocelectomy | 精液瘤摘除 | |
spermatorrhea | 精液漏 | |
sexology | 性科学 | |
biochemical recurrence | 生化学的再発 | |
life habit | 生活習慣 | |
lifestyle disease | 生活習慣病 | |
quality of life | 生活の質 | QOL |
normokalemia | 正カリウム血[症] | |
spermatic duct | 精管 | |
vas deferens | 精管 | |
deferentitis | 精管炎 | |
vasitis | 精管炎 | |
spermolith | 精管結石 | |
vasovasostomy | 精管精管吻合術 | |
vasovasostomy | 精管精管吻合[術] | |
vasoepididymography | 精管精巣上体造影法 | |
vasoepididymostomy | 精管精巣上体吻合[術] | |
vasovesiculitis | 精管精嚢炎 | |
vasovesiculectomy | 精管精嚢切除[術] | |
vasoseminal vesiculography | 精管精嚢造影[法] | |
vasectomy | 精管切除[術] | |
sexually transmitted infection | 性感染[症] | STI |
vasostomy | 精管造瘻術 | |
genital organ | 性器 | |
genitalia | 性器 | |
sex organ | 性器 | |
sexual organ | 性器 | |
genital | 性器の | |
sexual function | 性機能 | |
sexual dysfunction | 性機能障害 | |
hypogenitalism | 性器発達不全 | |
genital herpes | 性器ヘルペス | |
colliculus seminalis | 精丘 | |
verumontanum | 精丘 | |
verumontanum hypertrophy | 精丘肥大 | |
sex reversal syndrome | 性逆転症候群 | |
regulatory T cell | 制御性T細胞 | Treg |
sexual determination | 性決定 | |
clean intermittent self-catheterization | 清潔間欠自己導尿 | CISC |
clean intermittent catheterization | 清潔間欠導尿 | CIC |
clean surgery | 清潔手術 | |
biopsy | 生検 | |
restriction fragment length polymorphism | 制限酵素断片多型 | RFLP |
coitus | 性交 | |
sexual intercourse | 性交 | |
dyspareunia | 性交疼痛[症] | |
sexual potency | 性交能力 | |
impotence | 性交不能症 | |
seminiferous tubule | 精細管 | |
seminiferous tubules | 精細管 | |
intratubular malignant germ cells | 精細管内悪性胚細胞 | |
intratubular germ cell neoplasia | 精細管内胚細胞腫瘍 | ITGCN |
sex cord | 性索 | |
spermatic cord | 精索 | |
funiculitis | 精索炎 | |
sex cord stromal tumor | 性索間質腫瘍 | |
sex cord-stromal tumors | 精索間質性腫瘍 | |
varicocele | 精索静脈瘤 | |
varicocelectomy | 精索静脈瘤手術 | |
funicular hydrocele | 精索水瘤(精索水腫) | |
hydrocele of the cord | 精索水瘤(精索水腫) | |
spermatic cord torsion | 精索捻転 | |
torsion of spermatic cord | 精索捻転[症] | |
sperm | 精子 | |
spermatozoon | 精子 | |
sperm motility | 精子運動性 | |
sperm agglutination | 精子凝集[反応] | |
spermatogenesis | 精子形成 | |
spermiogenesis | 精子形成 | |
hypospermatogenesis | 精子形成能低下 | |
sperm retrieval | 精子採取 | |
spermatid | 精子細胞 | |
necrospermia | 精子死滅 | |
sperm invasion | 精子侵入 | |
sperm count | 精子数 | |
spermatozoon maturation | 精子成熟 | |
sperm granuloma | 精子肉芽腫 | |
spermatic granuloma | 精子肉芽腫 | |
sperm density | 精子濃度 | |
sperm capacitation | 精子の受精能獲得 | |
sperm bank | 精子バンク | |
sperm immobilizing test | 精子不動化試験 | |
asthenozoospermia | 精子無力症 | |
sperm immunity | 精子免疫 | |
seminal plasma | 精漿 | |
libido | 性衝動 | |
reproduction | 生殖 | |
reproductive organ | 生殖器 | |
sexual organ | 生殖器 | |
sexual organ | 生殖器官 | |
reproductive system | 生殖器系 | |
urogenital tuberculosis | 泌尿生殖器結核 | |
genital | 生殖器の | |
genito-urinary pain syndrome | 生殖器・尿路痛症候群 | |
genital tubercle | 生殖結節 | |
germ cell | 生殖細胞 | |
germinal cell | 生殖細胞 | |
germ-line mutation | 生殖細胞系列変異 | |
germinal cell tumor | 生殖細胞性腫瘍 | |
maturation arrest | 生殖細胞成熟停止 | |
germinal aplasia | 生殖細胞無形成 | |
germinal epithelium | 生殖上皮 | |
genital ridge | 生殖堤 | |
reproductive capability | 生殖能[力] | |
genital fold | 生殖ひだ | |
assisted reproductive technology | 生殖補助医療 | ART |
genital swellings | 生殖隆起 | |
spermatolysis | 精子溶解 | |
mature teratoma | 成熟奇形腫 | |
mature neutrophil count | 成熟好中球数 | |
mature | 成熟した | |
maturation arrest | 成熟停止 | |
normal pressure hydrocephalus | 正常圧水頭症 | |
clean manipulation | 清浄操作 | |
germinal epithelium | 精上皮 | |
adult type polycystic kidney [disease] | 成人型多発性嚢胞腎[症] | |
hydraulic pressure | 静水圧 | |
hydrostatic pressure | 静水圧 | |
sex corticoid producing tumor | 性ステロイド産生腫瘍 | |
sexual maturation | 性成熟 | |
gonad | 性腺 | |
dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism | 性腺異常発生性男性仮性半陰陽 | |
gonadal stromal tumor | 性腺間質性腫瘍 | |
extragonadal germ cell tumor | 性腺外胚細胞腫瘍 | |
gonadoblastoma | 性腺芽腫 | |
hypogonadism | 性腺機能低下 | |
agonadism | 性腺欠損 | |
gonadotropic hormone | 性腺刺激ホルモン | |
gonadotropin | 性腺刺激ホルモン | |
gonadotropin deficiency | 性腺刺激ホルモン欠乏症 | |
gonadotropin releasing hormone | 性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン | GnRH |
sex chromatin | 性染色質 | |
sex chromosome | 性染色体 | |
gonadal steroid | 性腺ステロイド | |
gonadectomy | 性腺摘出 | |
gonadal sex | 性腺の性 | |
gonadal dysgenesis | 性腺発生異常 | |
testicle | 精巣 | |
testis | 精巣 | |
testicular atrophy | 精巣萎縮 | |
orchitis | 精巣炎 | |
irritable testis | 精巣過敏症 | |
testicular cancer | 精巣癌 | |
testicular function | 精巣機能 | |
testicular dysfunction | 精巣機能障害 | |
testicular insufficiency | 精巣機能不全 | |
cremasteric muscle | 精巣挙筋 | |
cremaster reflex | 精巣挙筋反射 | |
testis determining factor | 精巣決定因子 | TDF |
testicular hematocele | 精巣血瘤 | |
testicular infarction | 精巣梗塞 | |
orchidopexy | 精巣固定術 | |
testicular contusion | 精巣挫傷 | |
testicular disease | 精巣疾患 | |
testicular neoplasm | 精巣腫瘍 | |
testicular tumor | 精巣腫瘍 | |
testis neoplasm | 精巣腫瘍 | |
tunica vaginalis testis | 精巣鞘膜 | |
pubertas praecox | 性早熟 | |
testicular inversion | 精巣上下逆転 | |
epididymis | 精巣上体 | |
epididymitis | 精巣上体炎 | |
duct of epididymis | 精巣上体管 | |
appendix epididymis | 精巣上体垂 | |
torsion of appendix epididymis | 精巣上体垂捻転 | |
epididymodeferentectomy | 精巣上体精管切除[術] | |
epididymovasectomy | 精巣上体精管摘除術 | |
vasoepididymostomy | 精管精巣上体管吻合術 | |
corpus epididymidis | 精巣上体体部 | |
epididymectomy | 精巣上体摘除術 | |
caput epididymidis | 精巣上体頭部 | |
epididymal cyst | 精巣上体嚢胞 | |
cauda epididymidis | 精巣上体尾部 | |
appendix of testis | 精巣垂 | |
hydrocele testis | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
scrotal hydrocele | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
testicular hydrocele | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
testicular biopsy | 精巣生検 | |
testicular feminization | 精巣性女性化 | |
testicular feminization syndrome | 精巣性女性化症候群 | |
testicular retroversion | 精巣前後逆転 | |
testicular dislocation | 精巣脱出 | |
testicular luxation | 精巣脱出 | |
orchidalgia | 精巣痛 | |
orchidectomy | 精巣摘除術 | |
gubernaculum testis | 精巣導帯 | |
testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子回収法 | TESE |
simple-testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子採取術 | simple-TESE |
testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子採取術 | TESE |
testicular torsion | 精巣捻転 | |
torsion of appendix testis | 精巣垂捻転[症] | |
torsion of testis | 精巣捻転[症] | |
testicular | 精巣の | |
nubbin | 精巣の遺残組織 | |
suspension anomaly of testis | 精巣の懸垂異常 | |
testicular hypoplasia | 精巣発育不全 | |
testicular appendage | 精巣付属器 | |
paradidymis | 精巣傍体 | |
testicular aplasia | 精巣無形成 | |
testicular agenesis | 精巣無発生 | |
rete testis | 精巣網 | |
rete cell tumor | 精巣網細胞腫瘍 | |
synorchidism | 精巣融合 | |
efferent duct of testis | 精巣輸出管 | |
testicular volume | 精巣容積 | |
spermatogonium | 精祖細胞 | |
median survival | 生存期間の中央値 | |
lifetable analysis | 生存表解析 | |
survival analysis | 生存分析 | |
biological response modifier | 生体応答調節剤 | BRM |
living donor from relatives | 生体血縁臓器提供者 | |
living related donor | 生体血縁ドナー | LRD |
living donor | 生体臓器提供者 | |
biocompatibility | 生体適合性 | |
living donor | 生体ドナー | |
bioincompatibility | 生体非適合性 | |
median umbilical ligament | 正中臍索 | |
sexual center | 性中枢 | |
median raphe | 正中縫線 | |
clear urine | 清澄尿 | |
growth hormone | 成長ホルモン | GH |
sexual activity | 性的活動 | |
sexually active phase | 性的活動期 | |
sexual abuse | 性的虐待 | |
sexual stimulation | 性的刺激 | |
sexual impulse | 性的衝動 | |
static renal scan | 静的腎スキャン | |
sexual precocity | 性的早熟 | |
sexual potency | 性的能力 | |
sexual infantilism | 性的幼稚症 | |
sex reversal | 性転換 | |
gender identity | 性同一性 | |
gender identity disorder | 性同一性障害 | GID |
adolescence | 青年期 | |
seminal vesicle | 精嚢 | |
seminal vesiculitis | 精嚢炎 | |
vesiculitis | 精嚢炎 | |
seminal vesiculography | 精嚢造影法 | |
vesiculography | 精嚢造影法 | |
seminal vesiculectomy | 精嚢摘除[術] | |
sex determination | 性の決定 | |
venereal disease[s] | 性病 | VD[s] |
lymphogranuloma venereum | 性病性リンパ肉芽腫 | |
venereal wart | 性病疣贅 | |
biological false positive reaction | 生物学的偽陽性反応 | BFPR |
biologically effective dose | 生物学的効果線量 | BED |
sexual differentiation | 性分化 | |
disorders of sex development | 性分化異常 | DSD |
sex differentiation disorder | 性分化疾患 | |
sex differetiation disorder | 性分化疾患 | |
sex reassignment surgery | 性別適合手術 | SRS |
gender assignment | 性別の決定 | |
gender role | 性別役割[訓練] | |
sex hormone | 性ホルモン | |
sex hormone binding globulin | 性ホルモン結合グロブリン | SHBG |
spermatocyte | 精母細胞 | |
spermatocytogenesis | 精母細胞形成 | |
spermatocytic seminoma | 精母細胞性セミノーマ | |
quality of life | 生命の質 | QOL |
libido | 性欲 | |
sexual impulse | 性欲 | |
viable cells | 生(存)細胞 | |
sexual | 性[的] | |
spinal compression | 脊髄圧迫 | |
myelodysplasia | 脊髄異形性 | |
myelitis | 脊髄炎 | |
medullary cone | 脊髄円錐[部] | |
spinothalamic tract | 脊髄視床路 | |
spinal lipoma | 脊髄脂肪腫 | |
funiculitis | 脊髄神経索炎 | |
myelomeningocele | 脊髄髄膜瘤 | |
spinal cord injury | 脊髄損傷 | |
myeloschisis | 脊髄披裂 | |
spinal anesthesia | 脊髄麻酔 | |
cough leak point pressure | 咳漏出時圧 | |
sector scanning | セクタ走査 | |
open biopsy | 切開生検 | |
tuberculous | 結核性 | |
erythrocyte cast | 赤血球円柱 | |
hemagglutination | 赤血球凝集[反応] | HA |
erythropoiesis | 赤血球産生 | |
erythropoiesis-stimulating agent | 赤血球造血刺激因子製剤 | ESA |
erythrocytosis | 赤血球増多[症] | |
erythrocyturia | 赤血球尿 | |
erythrocyte deformability | 赤血球変形能 | |
inoculation | 接種 | |
inoculum size | 接種菌量 | |
contact vaporization of the prostate | 接触式前立腺蒸散術 | CVP |
contact compound scanning | 接触複合走査 | |
lithotomy position | 切石位 | |
lithotomy | 切石術 | |
contact laser vaporization of the prostate | 接触式レーザー前立腺蒸散術 | CVP |
urge incontinence | 切迫性尿失禁 | |
urgency incontinence | 切迫性尿失禁 | UUI |
OAB dry | 切迫性尿失禁のない過活動膀胱 | |
OAB wet | 切迫性尿失禁をともなう過活動膀胱 | |
zygote | 接合子 | |
ablation | 切除 | |
excision | 切除 | |
extirpation | 切除 | |
resection | 切除 | |
resectoscope | 切除鏡 | |
incisional biopsy | 切除生検 | |
informed consent | 説明と同意 | IC |
seminoma | セミノーマ | |
Serratia marcescens | セラチア<菌> | |
Sertoli cell | セルトリ細胞 | |
Sertoli cell tumor | セルトリ細胞腫 | |
Sertoli cell-only syndrome | セルトリ細胞唯一症候群 | |
Sertoli cell only | セルトリセルオンリー | SCO |
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor | セルトリ・ライデッヒ細胞腫 | |
serotonin syndrome | セロトニン症候群 | |
fibrosis | 線維化 | |
fibroblast | 線維芽細胞 | |
fibroblast growth factor | 線維芽細胞増殖因子 | FGF |
fibromuscular dysplasia | 線維筋異形成症 | |
fibroma | 線維腫 | |
fibroepithelioma | 線維上皮腫 | |
fibrous cavernitis | 線維性海綿体炎 | |
osteitis fibrosa | 線維性骨炎 | |
fibroendothelioma | 線維性内皮腫 | |
fibrinolysis | 線維素溶解[線溶]現象 | |
fibrosarcoma | 線維肉腫 | |
superficial dorsal vein of the penis | 浅陰茎背静脈 | |
superficial fascia of scrotum | 浅陰嚢筋膜 | |
tunica dartos | 浅陰嚢筋膜 | |
hesitancy [in urination] | 遷延性排尿 | |
retarded micturition | 遷延性排尿(排尿遅延) | |
tubular formation | 腺管形成 | |
adenocarcinoma | 腺癌 | |
space-occupying lesion | 占拠性病変 | SOL |
condylomata acuminata | 尖圭コンジローマ | |
preemptive renal transplantation | 先行的腎移植 | |
sacral anesthesia | 仙骨[硬膜外]麻酔 | |
sacral nerve stimulation | 仙骨神経刺激療法 | SNS |
sacral neurectomy | 仙骨神経切断[術] | |
sacral anesthesia | 仙骨ブロック | |
sacral agenesis | 仙骨無形成 | |
latent carcinoma | 潜在癌 | |
potential urinary stress incontinence | 潜在性腹圧性尿失禁 | |
adenoma | 腺腫 | |
adenomatoid tumor | 腺腫様腫瘍 | |
chromosome | 染色体 | |
chromosomal aberration | 染色体異常 | |
chromosomal abnormality | 染色体異常 | |
chromosomal sex | 染色体性別 | |
chromatid | 染色分体 | |
puncture transducer | 穿刺用探触子 | |
washing cytology | 洗浄細胞診 | |
streak gonad | 線状性腺 | |
glandular differentiation | 腺上皮への分化 | |
sacral micturition center | 仙髄排尿中枢 | |
pyelitis glandularis | 腺性腎盂炎 | |
ureteritis glandularis | 腺性尿管炎 | |
cystitis glandularis | 腺性膀胱炎 | |
selective angiography | 選択的血管造影法 | |
seletive occulusion of renal artery | 選択的腎動脈塞栓術 | |
selective renal arteriography | 選択的腎動脈造影法 | |
elective partial nephrectomy | 選択的適応腎部分切除術 | |
colic | 仙痛 | |
colicky pain | 仙痛 | |
penetrating injury | 穿通性外傷 | |
congenital | 先天性 | |
congenital megacalycosis | 先天性巨大腎杯[症] | |
congenital renal anomaly | 先天性腎奇形 | |
congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus | 先天性腎性尿崩症 | |
congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract | 先天性腎尿路異常 | CAKUT |
congenital hydronephrosis | 先天性水腎症 | |
congenital hydronephrosis and hydrourete | 先天性水腎水尿管症 | |
congenital absence of vas deferens | 先天性精管欠損症 | |
congenital ureteral dilatation | 先天性尿管拡張[症] | |
congenital ureteral dilation | 先天性尿管拡張[症] | |
congenital urethral stenosis | 先天性尿道狭窄 | |
congenital urethral stricture | 先天性尿道狭窄[症] | |
congenital urethral membrane | 先天性尿道膜 | |
congenital cystic disease of kidney | 先天性嚢胞性腎疾患 | |
congenital lues | 先天性梅毒 | |
congenital syphilis | 先天性梅毒 | |
congenital dermal sinus | 先天性皮膚洞 | |
congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia | 先天性副腎皮質過形成 | CAH |
congenital obstructive posterior urethral membrane | 先天性閉塞性後部尿道弁 | COPUM |
congenital obstructive nephropathy | 先天性閉塞性腎症 | |
congenital immunity | 先天免疫 | |
natural immunity | 先天免疫 | |
sacrococcygeal teratoma | 仙尾部奇形腫 | |
occult carcinoma | 潜伏癌 | |
latent lues | 潜伏梅毒 | |
latent syphilis | 潜伏梅毒 | |
acinar | 腺房状 | |
acinar | 腺房の | |
cilia | 繊毛 | |
pilus | 線毛 | |
prostatic stone | 前立腺石 | |
dose-effect relationship | 線量効果関係 | |
dose fractionation | 線量分割[法] | |
fasting | 絶食 | |
imperative partial nephrectomy | 絶対的適応腎部分切除術 | |
absolute risk | 絶対リスク | |
absolute risk reduction | 絶対リスク減少率 | |
protracted micturition | 苒延性排尿 | |
precancerous lesion | 前癌性病変 | |
emasculation | 全去勢術 | |
total hematuria | 全血尿 | |
whole pelvis radiation | 全骨盤照射 | |
systemic chemotherapy | 全身化学療法 | |
Diffusion-weighted Whole body Imaging with Background body Signal | 全身拡散強調画像 | DWIBS |
systemic infection | 全身感染 | |
systemic lupus erythematosus | 全身性エリテマトーデス | SLE |
sytemic inflammatory response syndrome | 全身性炎症反応症候群 | SIRS |
systemic metastasis | 全身転移 | |
whole body hyperthermia | 全身ハイパーサーミア | |
general anesthesia | 全身麻酔 | |
pronephros | 前腎 | |
pronephric duct | 前腎管 | |
overall survival [time] | 全生存 [期間] | OS |
panurethral stricture | 全長尿道狭窄 | |
total incontinence | 全尿失禁 | |
total profile length | 全尿道内圧曲線長 | |
whole brain radiation | 全脳照射 | |
anterior fibromuscular stroma | 前部線維筋性間質 | |
anterior urethra | 前部尿道 | |
anterior urethral stricture | 前部尿道狭窄 | |
diverticulum of anterior urethra | 前部尿道憩室 | |
anterior urethral valve | 前部尿道弁 | |
anterior approach | 前方到達法 | |
prostate | 前立腺 | |
prostate gland | 前立腺 | |
expressed prostatic secretion | 前立腺圧出液 | EPS |
prostatic fluid | 前立腺液 | |
prostatitis | 前立腺炎 | |
prostatitis syndrome | 前立腺炎症候群 | |
prostatic fossa | 前立腺窩 | |
Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System | 前立腺画像報告データシステム | PI-RADS |
prostate cancer | 前立腺癌 | |
prostatic cancer | 前立腺癌 | |
prostatic carcinoma | 前立腺癌 | |
prostatic calculus | 前立腺結石 | |
prostatic stone | 前立腺結石[症] | |
surgical capsule of prostate | 前立腺外科的被膜 | |
prostatic infarction | 前立腺梗塞 | |
prostatic acid phosphatase | 前立腺酸性ホスファターゼ | PAP |
prostatic disease | 前立腺疾患 | |
prostatic neoplasm | 前立腺腫瘍 | |
prostatism | 前立腺症 | |
prostatosis | 前立腺症 | |
prostatic utricle | 前立腺小室 | |
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia | 前立腺上皮内腫瘍 | PIN |
prostate biopsy | 前立腺生検 | |
prostatovesiculitis | 前立腺精嚢炎 | |
prostatovesiculectomy | 前立腺精嚢摘除術 | |
prostatolithotomy | 前立腺切石術 | |
prostatic apex | 前立腺尖部 | |
total prostatectomy | 前立腺全摘除術 | |
prostate volume | 前立腺体積 | |
prostatalgia | 前立腺痛 | |
prostatodynia | 前立腺痛 | |
post-prostatectomy incontinence | 前立腺摘出術後尿失禁 | PPI |
prostatectomy | 前立腺摘除術 | |
prostate specific antigen | 前立腺特異抗原 | PSA |
Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen | 前立腺特異的膜抗原 | PSMA |
prostate artery embolization | 前立腺動脈塞栓術 | PAE |
intraprostatic reflux of urine | 前立腺内尿逆流 | |
prostatic | 前立腺の | |
prostatic abscess | 前立腺膿瘍 | |
expressed prostatic secretion | 前立腺排出液 | EPS |
prostatic hyperplasia | 前立腺肥大 | |
benign prostatic hyperplasia | 前立腺肥大症 | BPH |
prostatic hypertrophy | 前立腺肥大[症] | |
prostatic capsule | 前立腺被膜 | |
pars prostatica | 前立腺部[尿道] | |
prostatic urethra | 前立腺部尿道 | |
prostatic massage | 前立腺マッサージ |
英語 | 日本語 | 略語 |
ablation | 切除 | |
absolute risk | 絶対リスク | |
absolute risk reduction | 絶対リスク減少率 | |
acinar | 腺房状 | |
acinar | 腺房の | |
adenocarcinoma | 腺癌 | |
adenoma | 腺腫 | |
adenomatoid tumor | 腺腫様腫瘍 | |
adolescence | 青年期 | |
adult type polycystic kidney [disease] | 成人型多発性嚢胞腎[症] | |
agonadism | 性腺欠損 | |
anterior approach | 前方到達法 | |
anterior fibromuscular stroma | 前部線維筋性間質 | |
anterior urethra | 前部尿道 | |
anterior urethral stricture | 前部尿道狭窄 | |
anterior urethral valve | 前部尿道弁 | |
appendix epididymis | 精巣上体垂 | |
appendix of testis | 精巣垂 | |
assisted reproductive technology | 生殖補助医療 | ART |
asthenozoospermia | 精子無力症 | |
benign prostatic hyperplasia | 前立腺肥大症 | BPH |
biochemical recurrence | 生化学的再発 | |
biocompatibility | 生体適合性 | |
bioincompatibility | 生体非適合性 | |
biological false positive reaction | 生物学的偽陽性反応 | BFPR |
biological response modifier | 生体応答調節剤 | BRM |
biologically effective dose | 生物学的効果線量 | BED |
biopsy | 生検 | |
caput epididymidis | 精巣上体頭部 | |
cauda epididymidis | 精巣上体尾部 | |
chromatid | 染色分体 | |
chromosomal aberration | 染色体異常 | |
chromosomal abnormality | 染色体異常 | |
chromosomal sex | 染色体性別 | |
chromosome | 染色体 | |
cilia | 繊毛 | |
clean intermittent catheterization | 清潔間欠導尿 | CIC |
clean intermittent self-catheterization | 清潔間欠自己導尿 | CISC |
clean manipulation | 清浄操作 | |
clean surgery | 清潔手術 | |
clear urine | 清澄尿 | |
coitus | 性交 | |
colic | 仙痛 | |
colicky pain | 仙痛 | |
colliculus seminalis | 精丘 | |
condylomata acuminata | 尖圭コンジローマ | |
congenital | 先天性 | |
congenital absence of vas deferens | 先天性精管欠損症 | |
congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia | 先天性副腎皮質過形成 | CAH |
congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract | 先天性腎尿路異常 | CAKUT |
congenital cystic disease of kidney | 先天性嚢胞性腎疾患 | |
congenital dermal sinus | 先天性皮膚洞 | |
congenital hydronephrosis | 先天性水腎症 | |
congenital hydronephrosis and hydrourete | 先天性水腎水尿管症 | |
congenital immunity | 先天免疫 | |
congenital lues | 先天性梅毒 | |
congenital megacalycosis | 先天性巨大腎杯[症] | |
congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus | 先天性腎性尿崩症 | |
congenital obstructive nephropathy | 先天性閉塞性腎症 | |
congenital obstructive posterior urethral membrane | 先天性閉塞性後部尿道弁 | COPUM |
congenital renal anomaly | 先天性腎奇形 | |
congenital syphilis | 先天性梅毒 | |
congenital ureteral dilatation | 先天性尿管拡張[症] | |
congenital ureteral dilation | 先天性尿管拡張[症] | |
congenital urethral membrane | 先天性尿道膜 | |
congenital urethral stenosis | 先天性尿道狭窄 | |
congenital urethral stricture | 先天性尿道狭窄[症] | |
contact compound scanning | 接触複合走査 | |
contact laser vaporization of the prostate | 接触式レーザー前立腺蒸散術 | CVP |
corpus epididymidis | 精巣上体体部 | |
cough leak point pressure | 咳漏出時圧 | |
cremaster reflex | 精巣挙筋反射 | |
cremasteric muscle | 精巣挙筋 | |
cystitis glandularis | 腺性膀胱炎 | |
deferentitis | 精管炎 | |
Diffusion-weighted Whole body Imaging with Background body Signal | 全身拡散強調画像 | DWIBS |
disorders of sex development | 性分化異常 | DSD |
diverticulum of anterior urethra | 前部尿道憩室 | |
dose fractionation | 線量分割[法] | |
dose-effect relationship | 線量効果関係 | |
duct of epididymis | 精巣上体管 | |
dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism | 性腺異常発生性男性仮性半陰陽 | |
dyspareunia | 性交疼痛[症] | |
efferent duct of testis | 精巣輸出管 | |
elective partial nephrectomy | 選択的適応腎部分切除術 | |
emasculation | 全去勢術 | |
emission less | 精液排出不全 | |
epididymal cyst | 精巣上体嚢胞 | |
epididymectomy | 精巣上体摘除術 | |
epididymis | 精巣上体 | |
epididymitis | 精巣上体炎 | |
epididymodeferentectomy | 精巣上体精管切除[術] | |
epididymovasectomy | 精巣上体精管摘除術 | |
erythrocyte cast | 赤血球円柱 | |
erythrocyte deformability | 赤血球変形能 | |
erythrocytosis | 赤血球増多[症] | |
erythrocyturia | 赤血球尿 | |
erythropoiesis | 赤血球産生 | |
erythropoiesis-stimulating agent | 赤血球造血刺激因子製剤 | ESA |
excision | 切除 | |
expressed prostatic secretion | 前立腺圧出液 | EPS |
expressed prostatic secretion | 前立腺排出液 | EPS |
extirpation | 切除 | |
extragonadal germ cell tumor | 性腺外胚細胞腫瘍 | |
fasting | 絶食 | |
fibrinolysis | 線維素溶解[線溶]現象 | |
fibroblast | 線維芽細胞 | |
fibroblast growth factor | 線維芽細胞増殖因子 | FGF |
fibroendothelioma | 線維性内皮腫 | |
fibroepithelioma | 線維上皮腫 | |
fibroma | 線維腫 | |
fibromuscular dysplasia | 線維筋異形成症 | |
fibrosarcoma | 線維肉腫 | |
fibrosis | 線維化 | |
fibrous cavernitis | 線維性海綿体炎 | |
funicular hydrocele | 精索水瘤(精索水腫) | |
funiculitis | 精索炎 | |
funiculitis | 脊髄神経索炎 | |
gender assignment | 性別の決定 | |
gender identification | 性[別]識別 | |
gender identity | 性同一性 | |
gender identity disorder | 性同一性障害 | GID |
gender role | 性別役割[訓練] | |
general anesthesia | 全身麻酔 | |
genital | 生殖器の | |
genital | 性器の | |
genital fold | 生殖ひだ | |
genital herpes | 性器ヘルペス | |
genital organ | 性器 | |
genital ridge | 生殖堤 | |
genital swellings | 生殖隆起 | |
genital tubercle | 生殖結節 | |
genitalia | 性器 | |
genito-urinary pain syndrome | 生殖器・尿路痛症候群 | |
germ cell | 生殖細胞 | |
germ-line mutation | 生殖細胞系列変異 | |
germinal aplasia | 生殖細胞無形成 | |
germinal cell | 生殖細胞 | |
germinal cell tumor | 生殖細胞性腫瘍 | |
germinal epithelium | 生殖上皮 | |
germinal epithelium | 精上皮 | |
glandular differentiation | 腺上皮への分化 | |
gonad | 性腺 | |
gonadal dysgenesis | 性腺発生異常 | |
gonadal sex | 性腺の性 | |
gonadal steroid | 性腺ステロイド | |
gonadal stromal tumor | 性腺間質性腫瘍 | |
gonadectomy | 性腺摘出 | |
gonadoblastoma | 性腺芽腫 | |
gonadotropic hormone | 性腺刺激ホルモン | |
gonadotropin | 性腺刺激ホルモン | |
gonadotropin deficiency | 性腺刺激ホルモン欠乏症 | |
gonadotropin releasing hormone | 性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン | GnRH |
growth hormone | 成長ホルモン | GH |
gubernaculum testis | 精巣導帯 | |
hemagglutination | 赤血球凝集[反応] | HA |
hesitancy [in urination] | 遷延性排尿 | |
hydraulic pressure | 静水圧 | |
hydrocele of the cord | 精索水瘤(精索水腫) | |
hydrocele testis | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
hydrostatic pressure | 静水圧 | |
hypogenitalism | 性器発達不全 | |
hypogonadism | 性腺機能低下 | |
hypospermatogenesis | 精子形成能低下 | |
hypospermia | 精液過少[症] | |
imperative partial nephrectomy | 絶対的適応腎部分切除術 | |
impotence | 性交不能症 | |
incisional biopsy | 切除生検 | |
informed consent | 説明と同意 | IC |
inoculation | 接種 | |
inoculum size | 接種菌量 | |
intraprostatic reflux of urine | 前立腺内尿逆流 | |
intratubular germ cell neoplasia | 精細管内胚細胞腫瘍 | ITGCN |
intratubular malignant germ cells | 精細管内悪性胚細胞 | |
irritable testis | 精巣過敏症 | |
latent carcinoma | 潜在癌 | |
latent lues | 潜伏梅毒 | |
latent syphilis | 潜伏梅毒 | |
libido | 性欲 | |
libido | 性衝動 | |
life habit | 生活習慣 | |
lifestyle disease | 生活習慣病 | |
lifetable analysis | 生存表解析 | |
lithotomy | 切石術 | |
lithotomy position | 切石位 | |
living donor | 生体ドナー | |
living donor | 生体臓器提供者 | |
living donor from relatives | 生体血縁臓器提供者 | |
living related donor | 生体血縁ドナー | LRD |
lymphogranuloma venereum | 性病性リンパ肉芽腫 | |
maturation arrest | 生殖細胞成熟停止 | |
maturation arrest | 成熟停止 | |
mature | 成熟した | |
mature neutrophil count | 成熟好中球数 | |
mature teratoma | 成熟奇形腫 | |
median raphe | 正中縫線 | |
median survival | 生存期間の中央値 | |
median umbilical ligament | 正中臍索 | |
medullary cone | 脊髄円錐[部] | |
myelitis | 脊髄炎 | |
myelodysplasia | 脊髄異形性 | |
myelomeningocele | 脊髄髄膜瘤 | |
myeloschisis | 脊髄披裂 | |
natural immunity | 先天免疫 | |
necrospermia | 精子死滅 | |
normal pressure hydrocephalus | 正常圧水頭症 | |
normokalemia | 正カリウム血[症] | |
nubbin | 精巣の遺残組織 | |
OAB dry | 切迫性尿失禁のない過活動膀胱 | |
OAB wet | 切迫性尿失禁をともなう過活動膀胱 | |
occult carcinoma | 潜伏癌 | |
oligospermia | 精液減少[症] | |
open biopsy | 切開生検 | |
orchidalgia | 精巣痛 | |
orchidectomy | 精巣摘除術 | |
orchidopexy | 精巣固定術 | |
orchitis | 精巣炎 | |
osteitis fibrosa | 線維性骨炎 | |
overall survival [time] | 全生存 [期間] | OS |
panurethral stricture | 全長尿道狭窄 | |
paradidymis | 精巣傍体 | |
pars prostatica | 前立腺部[尿道] | |
penetrating injury | 穿通性外傷 | |
pilus | 線毛 | |
post-prostatectomy incontinence | 前立腺摘出術後尿失禁 | PPI |
potential urinary stress incontinence | 潜在性腹圧性尿失禁 | |
precancerous lesion | 前癌性病変 | |
preemptive renal transplantation | 先行的腎移植 | |
pronephric duct | 前腎管 | |
pronephros | 前腎 | |
prostatalgia | 前立腺痛 | |
prostate | 前立腺 | |
prostate artery embolization | 前立腺動脈塞栓術 | PAE |
prostate biopsy | 前立腺生検 | |
prostate cancer | 前立腺癌 | |
prostate gland | 前立腺 | |
Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System | 前立腺画像報告データシステム | PI-RADS |
prostate specific antigen | 前立腺特異抗原 | PSA |
Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen | 前立腺特異的膜抗原 | PSMA |
prostate volume | 前立腺体積 | |
prostatectomy | 前立腺摘除術 | |
prostatic | 前立腺の | |
prostatic abscess | 前立腺膿瘍 | |
prostatic acid phosphatase | 前立腺酸性ホスファターゼ | PAP |
prostatic apex | 前立腺尖部 | |
prostatic calculus | 前立腺結石 | |
prostatic cancer | 前立腺癌 | |
prostatic capsule | 前立腺被膜 | |
prostatic carcinoma | 前立腺癌 | |
prostatic disease | 前立腺疾患 | |
prostatic fluid | 前立腺液 | |
prostatic fossa | 前立腺窩 | |
prostatic hyperplasia | 前立腺肥大 | |
prostatic hypertrophy | 前立腺肥大[症] | |
prostatic infarction | 前立腺梗塞 | |
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia | 前立腺上皮内腫瘍 | PIN |
prostatic massage | 前立腺マッサージ | |
prostatic neoplasm | 前立腺腫瘍 | |
prostatic stone | 前立腺結石[症] | |
prostatic stone | 前立腺石 | |
prostatic urethra | 前立腺部尿道 | |
prostatic utricle | 前立腺小室 | |
prostatism | 前立腺症 | |
prostatitis | 前立腺炎 | |
prostatitis syndrome | 前立腺炎症候群 | |
prostatodynia | 前立腺痛 | |
prostatolithotomy | 前立腺切石術 | |
prostatosis | 前立腺症 | |
prostatovesiculectomy | 前立腺精嚢摘除術 | |
prostatovesiculitis | 前立腺精嚢炎 | |
protracted micturition | 苒延性排尿 | |
pubertas praecox | 性早熟 | |
puncture transducer | 穿刺用探触子 | |
pyelitis glandularis | 腺性腎盂炎 | |
quality of life | 生活の質 | QOL |
quality of life | 生命の質 | QOL |
regulatory T cell | 制御性T細胞 | Treg |
reproduction | 生殖 | |
reproductive capability | 生殖能[力] | |
reproductive organ | 生殖器 | |
reproductive system | 生殖器系 | |
resection | 切除 | |
resectoscope | 切除鏡 | |
restriction fragment length polymorphism | 制限酵素断片多型 | RFLP |
retarded micturition | 遷延性排尿(排尿遅延) | |
rete cell tumor | 精巣網細胞腫瘍 | |
rete testis | 精巣網 | |
sacral agenesis | 仙骨無形成 | |
sacral anesthesia | 仙骨ブロック | |
sacral anesthesia | 仙骨[硬膜外]麻酔 | |
sacral micturition center | 仙髄排尿中枢 | |
sacral nerve stimulation | 仙骨神経刺激療法 | SNS |
sacral neurectomy | 仙骨神経切断[術] | |
sacrococcygeal teratoma | 仙尾部奇形腫 | |
scrotal hydrocele | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
sector scanning | セクタ走査 | |
selective angiography | 選択的血管造影法 | |
selective renal arteriography | 選択的腎動脈造影法 | |
seletive occulusion of renal artery | 選択的腎動脈塞栓術 | |
semen | 精液 | |
semen analysis | 精液検査 | |
semen bank | 精液バンク | |
semen storage | 精液貯蔵 | |
seminal emission | 精液尿道内射出 | |
seminal fluid | 精液 | |
seminal plasma | 精漿 | |
seminal vesicle | 精嚢 | |
seminal vesiculectomy | 精嚢摘除[術] | |
seminal vesiculitis | 精嚢炎 | |
seminal vesiculography | 精嚢造影法 | |
seminalysis | 精液検査 | |
seminiferous tubule | 精細管 | |
seminiferous tubules | 精細管 | |
seminoma | セミノーマ | |
serotonin syndrome | セロトニン症候群 | |
Serratia marcescens | セラチア<菌> | |
Sertoli cell | セルトリ細胞 | |
Sertoli cell only | セルトリセルオンリー | SCO |
Sertoli cell tumor | セルトリ細胞腫 | |
Sertoli cell-only syndrome | セルトリ細胞唯一症候群 | |
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor | セルトリ・ライデッヒ細胞腫 | |
sex | 性 | |
sex chromatin | 性染色質 | |
sex chromosome | 性染色体 | |
sex cord | 性索 | |
sex cord stromal tumor | 性索間質腫瘍 | |
sex cord-stromal tumors | 精索間質性腫瘍 | |
sex corticoid producing tumor | 性ステロイド産生腫瘍 | |
sex determination | 性の決定 | |
sex differentiation disorder | 性分化疾患 | |
sex differetiation disorder | 性分化疾患 | |
sex hormone | 性ホルモン | |
sex hormone binding globulin | 性ホルモン結合グロブリン | SHBG |
sex organ | 性器 | |
sex reassignment surgery | 性別適合手術 | SRS |
sex reversal | 性転換 | |
sex reversal syndrome | 性逆転症候群 | |
sexology | 性科学 | |
sexual | 性[的] | |
sexual abuse | 性的虐待 | |
sexual activity | 性的活動 | |
sexual center | 性中枢 | |
sexual determination | 性決定 | |
sexual differentiation | 性分化 | |
sexual dysfunction | 性機能障害 | |
sexual function | 性機能 | |
sexual impulse | 性欲 | |
sexual impulse | 性的衝動 | |
sexual infantilism | 性的幼稚症 | |
sexual intercourse | 性交 | |
sexual maturation | 性成熟 | |
sexual organ | 性器 | |
sexual organ | 生殖器 | |
sexual organ | 生殖器官 | |
sexual potency | 性的能力 | |
sexual potency | 性交能力 | |
sexual precocity | 性的早熟 | |
sexual stimulation | 性的刺激 | |
sexually active phase | 性的活動期 | |
sexually transmitted disease[s] | 性 [行為] 感染症 | STD[s] |
sexually transmitted infection | 性感染[症] | STI |
simple-testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子採取術 | simple-TESE |
space-occupying lesion | 占拠性病変 | SOL |
sperm | 精子 | |
sperm agglutination | 精子凝集[反応] | |
sperm bank | 精子バンク | |
sperm capacitation | 精子の受精能獲得 | |
sperm count | 精子数 | |
sperm density | 精子濃度 | |
sperm granuloma | 精子肉芽腫 | |
sperm immobilizing test | 精子不動化試験 | |
sperm immunity | 精子免疫 | |
sperm invasion | 精子侵入 | |
sperm motility | 精子運動性 | |
sperm retrieval | 精子採取 | |
spermatic cord | 精索 | |
spermatic cord torsion | 精索捻転 | |
spermatic duct | 精管 | |
spermatic granuloma | 精子肉芽腫 | |
spermatid | 精子細胞 | |
spermatocele | 精液瘤 | |
spermatocelectomy | 精液瘤摘除 | |
spermatocyte | 精母細胞 | |
spermatocytic seminoma | 精母細胞性セミノーマ | |
spermatocytogenesis | 精母細胞形成 | |
spermatogenesis | 精子形成 | |
spermatogonium | 精祖細胞 | |
spermatolysis | 精子溶解 | |
spermatorrhea | 精液漏 | |
spermatozoon | 精子 | |
spermatozoon maturation | 精子成熟 | |
spermaturia | 精液尿 | |
spermiogenesis | 精子形成 | |
spermolith | 精管結石 | |
spinal anesthesia | 脊髄麻酔 | |
spinal compression | 脊髄圧迫 | |
spinal cord injury | 脊髄損傷 | |
spinal lipoma | 脊髄脂肪腫 | |
spinothalamic tract | 脊髄視床路 | |
static renal scan | 静的腎スキャン | |
streak gonad | 線状性腺 | |
superficial dorsal vein of the penis | 浅陰茎背静脈 | |
superficial fascia of scrotum | 浅陰嚢筋膜 | |
surgical capsule of prostate | 前立腺外科的被膜 | |
survival analysis | 生存分析 | |
suspension anomaly of testis | 精巣の懸垂異常 | |
synorchidism | 精巣融合 | |
systemic chemotherapy | 全身化学療法 | |
systemic infection | 全身感染 | |
systemic lupus erythematosus | 全身性エリテマトーデス | SLE |
systemic metastasis | 全身転移 | |
sytemic inflammatory response syndrome | 全身性炎症反応症候群 | SIRS |
testicle | 精巣 | |
testicular | 精巣の | |
testicular agenesis | 精巣無発生 | |
testicular aplasia | 精巣無形成 | |
testicular appendage | 精巣付属器 | |
testicular atrophy | 精巣萎縮 | |
testicular biopsy | 精巣生検 | |
testicular cancer | 精巣癌 | |
testicular disease | 精巣疾患 | |
testicular dysfunction | 精巣機能障害 | |
testicular feminization | 精巣性女性化 | |
testicular feminization syndrome | 精巣性女性化症候群 | |
testicular function | 精巣機能 | |
testicular hydrocele | 精巣水瘤(陰嚢水腫) | |
testicular hypoplasia | 精巣発育不全 | |
testicular infarction | 精巣梗塞 | |
testicular insufficiency | 精巣機能不全 | |
testicular inversion | 精巣上下逆転 | |
testicular neoplasm | 精巣腫瘍 | |
testicular retroversion | 精巣前後逆転 | |
testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子採取術 | TESE |
testicular sperm extraction | 精巣内精子回収法 | TESE |
testicular torsion | 精巣捻転 | |
testicular tumor | 精巣腫瘍 | |
testicular volume | 精巣容積 | |
testicular contusion | 精巣挫傷 | |
testicular dislocation | 精巣脱出 | |
testicular hematocele | 精巣血瘤 | |
testicular luxation | 精巣脱出 | |
testis | 精巣 | |
testis determining factor | 精巣決定因子 | TDF |
testis neoplasm | 精巣腫瘍 | |
torsion of appendix epididymis | 精巣上体垂捻転 | |
torsion of appendix testis | 精巣垂捻転[症] | |
torsion of spermatic cord | 精索捻転[症] | |
torsion of testis | 精巣捻転[症] | |
total hematuria | 全血尿 | |
total incontinence | 全尿失禁 | |
total profile length | 全尿道内圧曲線長 | |
total prostatectomy | 前立腺全摘除術 | |
tuberculous | 結核性 | |
tubular formation | 腺管形成 | |
tunica dartos | 浅陰嚢筋膜 | |
tunica vaginalis testis | 精巣鞘膜 | |
ureteritis glandularis | 腺性尿管炎 | |
urge incontinence | 切迫性尿失禁 | |
urgency incontinence | 切迫性尿失禁 | UUI |
urogenital tuberculosis | 泌尿生殖器結核 | |
varicocele | 精索静脈瘤 | |
varicocelectomy | 精索静脈瘤手術 | |
vas deferens | 精管 | |
vasectomy | 精管切除[術] | |
vasitis | 精管炎 | |
vasoepididymography | 精管精巣上体造影法 | |
vasoepididymostomy | 精管精巣上体吻合[術] | |
vasoepididymostomy | 精管精巣上体管吻合術 | |
vasoseminal vesiculography | 精管精嚢造影[法] | |
vasostomy | 精管造瘻術 | |
vasovasostomy | 精管精管吻合[術] | |
vasovasostomy | 精管精管吻合術 | |
vasovesiculectomy | 精管精嚢切除[術] | |
vasovesiculitis | 精管精嚢炎 | |
venereal disease[s] | 性病 | VD[s] |
venereal wart | 性病疣贅 | |
verumontanum | 精丘 | |
verumontanum hypertrophy | 精丘肥大 | |
vesiculitis | 精嚢炎 | |
vesiculography | 精嚢造影法 | |
viable cells | 生(存)細胞 | |
washing cytology | 洗浄細胞診 | |
whole body hyperthermia | 全身ハイパーサーミア | |
whole brain radiation | 全脳照射 | |
whole pelvis radiation | 全骨盤照射 | |
zygote | 接合子 | |
contact vaporization of the prostate | 接触式前立腺蒸散術 | CVP |