英語 | 日本語 | 略語 |
delayed [type] hypersensitivity | 遅延型過敏症[反応] | |
retarded ejaculation | 遅延射精 | |
sensory paralysis | 知覚麻痺 | |
quantity of replacement (substitution) flow rate | 置換液(補充液)流量 | QS |
storage | 蓄尿 | |
storage symptoms | 蓄尿[時]症状 | |
reservoir urinary diversion | 蓄尿型尿路変向術 | |
storage dysfunction | 蓄尿機能障害/蓄尿障害 | |
filling phase | 蓄尿期[相] | |
storage phase | 蓄尿期[相] | |
intravesical pressure during the storage phase | 蓄尿時膀胱内圧 | |
urine collecting bag | 蓄尿袋 | |
smegma | 恥垢 | |
subsymphyseal epispadias | 恥骨結合下部尿道上裂 | |
retropubic prostatectomy | 恥骨後[式]前立腺摘除術 | |
Retzius space | 恥骨後腔 | |
retropubic space | 恥骨後隙 | |
radical retropubic prostatectomy | 恥骨後式根治的前立腺全摘術 | RRP |
suprapubic puncture | 恥骨上穿刺 | |
suprapubic prostatectomy | 恥骨上前立腺摘除術 | |
suprapubic cystotomy | 恥骨上膀胱切開 | |
suprapubic cystostomy | 恥骨上膀胱瘻[造設術] | |
suprapubic catheterization | 恥骨上膀胱瘻カテーテル留置 | |
puboprostatic ligament | 恥骨前立腺靱帯 | |
pubovaginal sling operation | 恥骨膣[尿道]吊り上げ手術 | |
pubic epispadias | 恥骨部尿道上裂 | |
paclitaxel, ifosphamide, cisplatin <TIP> regimen | TIP療法 | |
colpitis | 腟炎 | |
vaginal fornix | 腟円蓋 | |
vaginoplasty | 腟形成[術] | |
vaginal introitus | 腟口 | |
vaginal cone | 腟挿入型コーン | |
intravaginal ejaculatory latency time | 腟内射精保持時間 | |
macula densa | 緻密斑 | MD |
lamina densa | 緻密板 | |
fatality rate | 致命率 | |
implantation | 着床 | |
chromaturia | 着色尿[症] | |
chance hematuria | チャンス血尿 | |
chance proteinuria | チャンス蛋白尿 | |
Craig handicap assessment and reporting technique | チャート | CHART |
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | 注意欠陥多動性障害 | ADHD |
median raphe | 中央縫線 | |
mid-stream urine | 中間尿 | |
daytime incontinence | 昼間尿失禁 | |
daytime frequency | 昼間排尿回数 | |
diurnal frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
diurnal urinary frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
increased daytime frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
hollow fiber | 中空糸 | HF |
hollow fiber [capillary] dialyzer | 中空糸型透析器 | |
central echoes | 中心部エコー像 | |
mesonephros | 中腎 | |
mesonephric duct | 中腎管 | |
mesonephric tubule | 中腎細管 | |
mesonephroma | 中腎腫 | |
mesonephric tumor | 中腎性腫瘍 | |
central nervous system | 中枢神経系 | CNS |
central diabetes insipidus | 中枢性尿崩症 | |
litholapaxy | 抽石術 | |
stone extraction | 抽石術 | |
instillation | 注入[法] | |
periaqueductal gray matter | 中脳水道周囲灰白質 | PAG |
periaqueductal gray matter | 中脳中心灰白質 | PAG |
mesoderm | 中胚葉 | |
mesoblastic nephroma | 中胚葉性腎腫 | |
mesothelium | 中皮 | |
mesothelioma | 中皮腫 | |
mid ureteral stone | 中部尿管結石 | |
moderately differentiated | 中分化 | |
middle vesical artery | 中膀胱動脈 | |
mid-urethral sling surgery | 中部尿道スリング手術 | |
ultrasonically activated scalpel | 超音波駆動メス | |
ultrasonography | 超音波検査法 | US |
ultrasound examination | 超音波検査[法] | |
ultrasonic lithotripsy | 超音波砕石術 | |
diagnostic ultrasound | 超音波診断 | |
ultrasonic scanning | 超音波走査 | |
ultrasonic Doppler method | 超音波ドプラ法 | |
ultrasonic probe | 超音波プローブ | |
absorptive hypercalciuria type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ | 腸管吸収性高カルシウム尿症I,II,III型 | |
intestinal perforation | 腸管穿孔 | |
bowel preparation | 腸管前処置 | |
intestinal injury | 腸管損傷 | |
antimesenteric border | 腸間膜反対側 | |
enterocystoplasty | 腸管利用膀胱拡大術 | |
immobilization syndrome | 長期臥床症候群 | |
long-term survival | 長期生存 | |
Enterococcus | 腸球菌 | |
hyperacute rejection | 超急性拒絶反応 | |
retroiliac ureter | 腸骨血管後尿管 | |
preureteral iliac artery | 腸骨動脈後尿管 | |
super female | 超女性 | |
long kidney | 長腎 | |
tandem kidney | 長腎 | |
accommodation disturbance | 調節障害 | |
enteric bacteria | 腸内細菌 | |
psoas hitch | 腸腰筋への膀胱吊り上げ | |
enterocele | 腸瘤 | |
vasa recta | 直細動脈 | |
visual laser ablation of the prostate | 直視下レーザー前立腺焼灼術 | VLAP |
straight seminiferous tubule | 直精細管 | |
digital rectal examination | 直腸[指]診 | DRE |
rectosigmoid bladder | 直腸S状結腸膀胱 | |
proctitis | 直腸炎 | |
rectobulbar fistula | 直腸球部尿道瘻 | |
Douglas' pouch | 直腸子宮窩 | |
rectal examination | 直腸診 | |
transrectal palpation | 直腸診 | |
rectal swab | 直腸スワブ | |
rectocloacal fistula | 直腸総排泄腔瘻 | |
rectocele | 直腸腟壁弛緩症 | |
rectovaginal fistula | 直腸腟瘻 | |
rectourethral fistula | 直腸尿道瘻 | |
rectal bladder | 直腸膀胱 | |
rectovesical fistula | 直腸膀胱瘻 | |
rectocele | 直腸瘤 | |
straight renal tubule | 直尿細管 | |
pars recta | 直部 | |
complete response | 著効 | CR |
retention cyst | 貯留嚢胞 | |
number needed to treat | 治療必要数 | NNT |
tyrosine kinase | チロシンキナーゼ | |
tyrosine kinase inhibitor | チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬 | |
tyrosine hydroxylase | チロシン水酸化酵素 | |
precipitation test | 沈降試験 | |
precipitin | 沈降素 | |
analgesic nephropathy | 鎮痛薬腎症 | |
Tiemann catheter | チーマン・カテーテル |
英語 | 日本語 | 略語 |
absorptive hypercalciuria type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ | 腸管吸収性高カルシウム尿症I,II,III型 | |
accommodation disturbance | 調節障害 | |
analgesic nephropathy | 鎮痛薬腎症 | |
antimesenteric border | 腸間膜反対側 | |
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | 注意欠陥多動性障害 | ADHD |
bowel preparation | 腸管前処置 | |
central diabetes insipidus | 中枢性尿崩症 | |
central echoes | 中心部エコー像 | |
central nervous system | 中枢神経系 | CNS |
chance hematuria | チャンス血尿 | |
chance proteinuria | チャンス蛋白尿 | |
chromaturia | 着色尿[症] | |
colpitis | 腟炎 | |
complete response | 著効 | CR |
Craig handicap assessment and reporting technique | チャート | CHART |
daytime frequency | 昼間排尿回数 | |
daytime incontinence | 昼間尿失禁 | |
delayed [type] hypersensitivity | 遅延型過敏症[反応] | |
diagnostic ultrasound | 超音波診断 | |
digital rectal examination | 直腸[指]診 | DRE |
diurnal frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
diurnal urinary frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
Douglas' pouch | 直腸子宮窩 | |
enteric bacteria | 腸内細菌 | |
enterocele | 腸瘤 | |
Enterococcus | 腸球菌 | |
enterocystoplasty | 腸管利用膀胱拡大術 | |
fatality rate | 致命率 | |
filling phase | 蓄尿期[相] | |
hollow fiber | 中空糸 | HF |
hollow fiber [capillary] dialyzer | 中空糸型透析器 | |
hyperacute rejection | 超急性拒絶反応 | |
immobilization syndrome | 長期臥床症候群 | |
implantation | 着床 | |
increased daytime frequency | 昼間頻尿 | |
instillation | 注入[法] | |
intestinal injury | 腸管損傷 | |
intestinal perforation | 腸管穿孔 | |
intravaginal ejaculatory latency time | 腟内射精保持時間 | |
intravesical pressure during the storage phase | 蓄尿時膀胱内圧 | |
lamina densa | 緻密板 | |
litholapaxy | 抽石術 | |
long kidney | 長腎 | |
long-term survival | 長期生存 | |
macula densa | 緻密斑 | MD |
median raphe | 中央縫線 | |
mesoblastic nephroma | 中胚葉性腎腫 | |
mesoderm | 中胚葉 | |
mesonephric duct | 中腎管 | |
mesonephric tubule | 中腎細管 | |
mesonephric tumor | 中腎性腫瘍 | |
mesonephroma | 中腎腫 | |
mesonephros | 中腎 | |
mesothelioma | 中皮腫 | |
mesothelium | 中皮 | |
mid ureteral stone | 中部尿管結石 | |
mid-stream urine | 中間尿 | |
mid-urethral sling surgery | 中部尿道スリング手術 | |
middle vesical artery | 中膀胱動脈 | |
moderately differentiated | 中分化 | |
number needed to treat | 治療必要数 | NNT |
paclitaxel, ifosphamide, cisplatin <TIP> regimen | TIP療法 | |
pars recta | 直部 | |
periaqueductal gray matter | 中脳水道周囲灰白質 | PAG |
periaqueductal gray matter | 中脳中心灰白質 | PAG |
precipitation test | 沈降試験 | |
precipitin | 沈降素 | |
preureteral iliac artery | 腸骨動脈後尿管 | |
proctitis | 直腸炎 | |
psoas hitch | 腸腰筋への膀胱吊り上げ | |
pubic epispadias | 恥骨部尿道上裂 | |
puboprostatic ligament | 恥骨前立腺靱帯 | |
pubovaginal sling operation | 恥骨膣[尿道]吊り上げ手術 | |
quantity of replacement (substitution) flow rate | 置換液(補充液)流量 | QS |
radical retropubic prostatectomy | 恥骨後式根治的前立腺全摘術 | RRP |
rectal bladder | 直腸膀胱 | |
rectal examination | 直腸診 | |
rectal swab | 直腸スワブ | |
rectobulbar fistula | 直腸球部尿道瘻 | |
rectocele | 直腸瘤 | |
rectocele | 直腸腟壁弛緩症 | |
rectocloacal fistula | 直腸総排泄腔瘻 | |
rectosigmoid bladder | 直腸S状結腸膀胱 | |
rectourethral fistula | 直腸尿道瘻 | |
rectovaginal fistula | 直腸腟瘻 | |
rectovesical fistula | 直腸膀胱瘻 | |
reservoir urinary diversion | 蓄尿型尿路変向術 | |
retarded ejaculation | 遅延射精 | |
retention cyst | 貯留嚢胞 | |
retroiliac ureter | 腸骨血管後尿管 | |
retropubic prostatectomy | 恥骨後[式]前立腺摘除術 | |
retropubic space | 恥骨後隙 | |
Retzius space | 恥骨後腔 | |
sensory paralysis | 知覚麻痺 | |
smegma | 恥垢 | |
stone extraction | 抽石術 | |
storage | 蓄尿 | |
storage dysfunction | 蓄尿機能障害/蓄尿障害 | |
storage phase | 蓄尿期[相] | |
storage symptoms | 蓄尿[時]症状 | |
straight renal tubule | 直尿細管 | |
straight seminiferous tubule | 直精細管 | |
subsymphyseal epispadias | 恥骨結合下部尿道上裂 | |
super female | 超女性 | |
suprapubic catheterization | 恥骨上膀胱瘻カテーテル留置 | |
suprapubic cystostomy | 恥骨上膀胱瘻[造設術] | |
suprapubic cystotomy | 恥骨上膀胱切開 | |
suprapubic prostatectomy | 恥骨上前立腺摘除術 | |
suprapubic puncture | 恥骨上穿刺 | |
tandem kidney | 長腎 | |
Tiemann catheter | チーマン・カテーテル | |
transrectal palpation | 直腸診 | |
tyrosine hydroxylase | チロシン水酸化酵素 | |
tyrosine kinase | チロシンキナーゼ | |
tyrosine kinase inhibitor | チロシンキナーゼ阻害薬 | |
ultrasonic Doppler method | 超音波ドプラ法 | |
ultrasonic lithotripsy | 超音波砕石術 | |
ultrasonic probe | 超音波プローブ | |
ultrasonic scanning | 超音波走査 | |
ultrasonically activated scalpel | 超音波駆動メス | |
ultrasonography | 超音波検査法 | US |
ultrasound examination | 超音波検査[法] | |
urine collecting bag | 蓄尿袋 | |
vaginal cone | 腟挿入型コーン | |
vaginal fornix | 腟円蓋 | |
vaginal introitus | 腟口 | |
vaginoplasty | 腟形成[術] | |
vasa recta | 直細動脈 | |
visual laser ablation of the prostate | 直視下レーザー前立腺焼灼術 | VLAP |